Never notice that my niece Jessica has been so adulty.
Dragging me, and forcing me to play with her. Play with toys. We pretanded to cook with the plastic cooking tools. Which my sister ,brother and I played when we were kids. Now it is Jessica's time. How does time fly by ?
Being playing with Jessica, I had lots of funs. She is active but also talkive although I could not get her idea most of the time. A tinnitus was caused by her talk show while she were living in her world that time playing & talking.
Er.... Let me see. What did we cook? Plastical shell, plastical hot dog, plastical banana(do we need cook this?), plastical moon bean(no idea of that, but like moon) and plastical fish. And what the cooked food were laid on me. I shall eat them up! Pretended to be full and satisfied made her loughing.
What a pure heart and happiness ?